
Multipurpose biowaste treatment facility

As part of the coffee roastery, we came up with the idea to develop and assemble a small garden biogas plant, thanks to which we can use biowaste from coffee roasting and other gastro waste by converting it into biogas and organic fertilizer for the adjacent garden and heating of the coffee store.

As part of a successful project, we verified the functionality of the garden biogas facility and cleaned the biogas from hydrogen sulfide, thanks to which we could proceed to the next development phase by adding FVE and a gas compression station to build a functional unit, from which we promise to accumulate excess solar energy in summer and use it in colder periods.

Our achievements

  • The best winning project under circular economy topic supported by the leading Czech bank ČSOB
  • The biogas and fertiliser facility productive even under freezing temperature (verified -15 °C) with improved insulation and a flat heater
  • Additional filters able to reduce CO2 and sulfans (H2S)
  • Biogas verified composition – 59 % methane; 21 % CO2; 4 ppm H2S – with only 1/2 of the filtering load  (full filtering load able to achieve 0 ppm)



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